
Offshore wind technology opens up sites with high wind resources. Off shore wind farms can be built quickly, at gigawatt-scale, close to densely populated coastal areas This makes off shore wind an important addition to the portfolio of technologies to decarbonize the energy sector in a cost-effective manner. 

Advances in wind power technologies continue to drive cost reduction and expansion into new markets. While onshore wind power is increasingly cost competitive against conventional power generation technologies, growing attention is being paid to technology development for off shore applications that open the door to sites with better wind resources. This combination of higher capacity factors and the availability of large-scale sites makes off shore wind an attractive alternative for utility-scale low-carbon electricity.

Wind development is essential to decarbonise the global economy. Romania holds technical offshore wind potential of 76 gigawatts (GW), according to the latest data from the World Bank. It is the right moment to go large scale offshore wind in Romania.

About us

Our company provides technical and consulting services to investors, building contractors, project developers, and operators of renewable energy power plants. We support and advise you across your project’s entire life cycle from prospecting, through evaluation, planning and construction, to power plant operation. In your interest, BSA applies its independent expertise to ensure cost-effective implementation within set quality and time parameters. Our aim is to satisfy Your needs, considering all the aspects and impacts of the case. We provide you the contracted service within the agreed deadlines, satisfying the expected cost and quality. The importance of our environment is beyond controversy. We believe that preserving and recovering the ecological balance and biodiversity are the means to respect the future generations. The optical change in a familiar environment is an important fact to be considered while planning renewable energy projects. Therefore, in order to assure extensive acceptance, we try to involve the people affected by the project we are involved in as early and deeply as possible in the planning process.

Contact us


Calea Victoriei , no. 155, bl D1, sc 1, et 2, ap 5

010073, Bucharest, Romania